Meet The Band
Meet the most talented and dedicated musicians the Treasure Coast has to offer led by renowned conductor Dr. John K. Southall.
The musicians of the Port St. Lucie Community Band are the face of our organization.
They are your neighbors, the music school teachers in our school and a group of talented musicians with a lot of love and dedication. Get to know them here.
The musicians of the Port St. Lucie Community Band are the face of our organization.
They are your neighbors, the music school teachers in our school and a group of talented musicians with a lot of love and dedication. Get to know them here.
Matthew Beigun
Cecelia Clark
Neil Compton
Lisa Lowrey
Skip McConnel
David Mook
Adrianna Perfetti
Renee Piccitto
Emily Schwartz
Kelly Southall
Maris Tracy
Isaac Valera
Samantha Vazquez
Anna Woods
Cecelia Clark
Neil Compton
Lisa Lowrey
Skip McConnel
David Mook
Adrianna Perfetti
Renee Piccitto
Emily Schwartz
Kelly Southall
Maris Tracy
Isaac Valera
Samantha Vazquez
Anna Woods
Hayley Drayson
Alex Proulx
Codee Spinner
Alex Proulx
Codee Spinner
Lynn Winn
Sebastian Soto
Sebastian Soto
Carole Bowen
Linda Burkard
Dawn Busbin
Ryan Dawdy
Jill Foley
Cynthia Humphrey
Rhegan Jones
Jacob Ingrum
Leonard Levin
Don Mattern
Melissa Nelson
Julie Probst
Fred Schneider
Samantha Messina
Linda Burkard
Dawn Busbin
Ryan Dawdy
Jill Foley
Cynthia Humphrey
Rhegan Jones
Jacob Ingrum
Leonard Levin
Don Mattern
Melissa Nelson
Julie Probst
Fred Schneider
Samantha Messina
Andre Bernier
Bentley Carroll
Stephen Gabin
Bentley Carroll
Stephen Gabin
Mark Austin
Geovani Prats
Ken Tracy
Geovani Prats
Ken Tracy
Jerry Zalben
Benny Bukaty
Richard Kugal
Christopher Labriola
Jeremy Marte
Matthew Marquez
Allison Rasnick
Mike Rossi
Sal Sabia
Saige Stiles
Essence Thompson
Pat Vaida
Vivianna Valentin
Lillian Wilson
Richard Kugal
Christopher Labriola
Jeremy Marte
Matthew Marquez
Allison Rasnick
Mike Rossi
Sal Sabia
Saige Stiles
Essence Thompson
Pat Vaida
Vivianna Valentin
Lillian Wilson
Richard Eisenberg
Tim Felton
Kathryn Alcox
Rachel Rowlinson
Tracy Zimmer
Tim Felton
Kathryn Alcox
Rachel Rowlinson
Tracy Zimmer
Aaron Behr
Jeff Behr
Jeremy Brown
Bayan Brown
Alexandra Gerohristodoulos
Eric Hunsberger
Joe Osborne
Omari Pascal
Braden Rigsby
Jonathan Tinoco
Jeff Behr
Jeremy Brown
Bayan Brown
Alexandra Gerohristodoulos
Eric Hunsberger
Joe Osborne
Omari Pascal
Braden Rigsby
Jonathan Tinoco
Aiden Busbin
Dennis Jackson
Jenna Oakes
Joe Osborne
Ricardo Renelus
Dennis Jackson
Jenna Oakes
Joe Osborne
Ricardo Renelus
Jeremy Torres
Ryan Conrad
Ryan Conrad
Wyatt McDaniel
Jax Trojanoski
Jax Trojanoski
David Almanza
Paul Berman
Melody Cress
Josh Godoy
Curtis (Ed) Shank
Paul Berman
Melody Cress
Josh Godoy
Curtis (Ed) Shank
Joe Wilson
Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can't.